Setup Guide


The most important rule that you can get in trouble for.

 Do not add / do not change my data in the account (This applies to changing the password, email, adding your phone number and 2fa). All accounts belong to me personally and I will immediately call the Sony security service and restore my account. Your warranty will be disabled and there will be consequences. There are already a lot of people who broke the rules, write and write to me in a personal chat, but I always warn about this in the guide. Be careful. Respect and follow the rules of service.

Let's go install the game!

After payment, you will receive details for downloading the game/s.

On your PlayStation 5:

Click start on your gamepad and then click Switch user

Then choose "+ Add User":

Then click "Get Started":

Then click checkbox "I Agree" and click "Confirm":

Then enter details you received from us (email/password) and click "Sign in":

Then choose "Team player":

Then click "Apply":

Then click "Confirm and Continue":

Then click "Ok":

Then go to the library in main menu:

Then choose "Your Collection" and download game that you bougth:


  • Play ONLY on MY account without problems!
  • Do NOT delete the given account
  • Do NOT change anything on the OUR account
If you have any problems, contact us!

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